Repeating Stuff: Over and Over

Forget the fact I haven’t blogged in a month... YIKES! least one good thing surfaced due to this neglect (revealed at the end of this post). I have to remind myself, it’s okay to repeat a post.

One way to think of repeating a post, is thinking about the teachers and professors and educators who teach the same subject year after year, educating the next class (and respectfully so) how 1 + 1 = 2.

Now, I didn’t come up with this post all on my own. I must credit my husband for pointing out what I swore I’ve been advocating since starting this blog in ’09 ...or 2009... (for anyone who may be thinking 1909).

All bad humor aside, there are many types of reading. We read street signs and road warnings. We read the back of cereal boxes and milk cartons. We read the fine print, checking calories and ingredients. We read recipes, and directions... be it to cook or take medication. We read coupons, to clip and save.  We read legalese before signing documents... which brings me to other types of reading, i.e., speed reading to skip the laborious boring parts of text, and skim reading to pass exams, or passage reading, as in reading scriptures.

There are so many types of reading, to include reading articles, as in reading newspapers, magazines and blogposts like this post. I, HOWEVER, advocate reading books...from beginning to end, each and every page...just the way books are written and intended to be read.

Of course then, we must find the book(s) that allows us to do this. That’s where I try to help.

Going forward, starting today and until the project(s) I’m working on are complete, I’ll post a weekly READING meme. In case you missed it; in either the caption, the title or this post, this week’s Reading Meme is READING TO ENHANCE COMPREHENSION.

#ReadingisFun #ReadingCanBeFun #ReadingIsFundamental #ReadingComprehension #ReadABook #SaturdayIsAGoodDayToReadABook #JustBlogged


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