How to Tell When a Business Plan is Going Awry

Obviously I might be giving a little too much away about what I've been up to, but for starters, as if this even needs to be pointed out either, this post counts as one of my quirky posts. You can just never be too sure nowadays. I don't want anyone to start taking assiduous notes only to find themselves back at square one.

…Which speaking of notes, who would’ve ever thunk it!?! Back when I was buying business textbooks at them $100 chops, I thought it was just me not 'getting it.' I highlighted, underlined, brought my face real close to the text and ended up still scratching my head, failing with flying colors trying to make sense out of much great madness. Later on I figured out the problem, which without any more delays, here are a few indicators that will clue us in when our business plans are reading quite awry.

One way to tell is when you look at what's written and think, 'ump, I've got to flush this out more.' What a thought like this is saying, is you're about to convene on the number one business writing sinpadding! The numbers and data should be so overwhelmingly available when you start writing your business plan that you have to figure out ways to 'edit out,' not 'edit in.'

Another way to tell is when you push away from the keyboard and say something like, 'you know what? I think I'm going to hire a ghostwriter.' – Please don't ask me to emcee this kind of thought...

And, of course, if you have hired a ghostwriter, or if a light came on having you to see this as a good idea, then your business plan is not only going awry, it has gone awry.

And while it does depend, some words are a geographic misfit in business plans. If using words that in so many words are tallying up to infer first-rate, top-notch, superior, renowned, king of the hill, or queen of the valley, and your business is not in producing something like science fiction movies, then Houston, your business plan has a problem.

But here's the real, and main way, to tell your business plan is going to need some damn good cover art. When you chart your data and your graphs resemble the one below!

Okay… so, maybe I've should've gone with the how to tell when you've had one too many. Another sign to lift up off the keyboard and wait before concluding something like... 'All be doggonit, I think this is it!’ 


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