LooKing for the RIGHT WORDS

When mining for books to read...and recommend... I'm not just looking for any 'ole book with a spine and glossy cover. Once I stood in a Cathedral size library marveling up at a seemingly sky-mile high collection of books, amazed how an itty-bitty English alphabet containing only 26 letters used over and over could create so much content.

On to the next note, no wonder a whole lot of people are not reading books in the way they were intended to be read... you know... from beginning to end. Without causing any possible conflicts among earlier confessions, let me put this as plainly as possible. Any book I read from front to back, page one to the end, has done its job. There are hundreds of books on my DNF shelf attesting to the fact that it is not an absolute given. Not all content secured to spines and behind covers move people to keep turning pages. Finding books comprising that absolute right sequence of words, one where the reader is hard pressed to close for fear of missing something, sits in a whole 'nother landscape. In my reservoir of thoughts, those books are rare gems.
Plucking out rare gems, much less writing one, is not easy to do, partially evidenced by the week and half I spent pulling this post together, all to end up with these benign words. I just finished reading Edward Snowden's memoir 'Permanent Record' (other thoughts here). After reading that book, I was really moved to go to work on this keyboard. I had to sit myself down and calm the 'such & such' down. Sometimes I think it's better to be open and put all of our cards on a table. Conspiracy theories, and along with it---hundreds of other offenses would be hacked to monotony, yet this was a time when I, too, had to put things in perspective and do some deep dear soul searching.

I'll say it, or rather write it again. The best stories touch people deeply when we aren't looking for the right sequence of words, but rather a sincere sequence of events. Yes, just tell the story.

#IloveMemoirs #JustReadAnotherGreatMemoir #StillWriting #StillRevising #JustBlogged


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