Shortcuts I Like

Too often it is easy expressing what we don’t like, isn’t working, won’t ever work, BUT MUCH HARDER getting straight to the point with what DOES WORK or WILL WORK, or in this case, writing hacks I like.

It just occurred to me, I like novels written in 3rd person, and of course LOVE memoirs and biographies written in 1st person.

Writers who read a lot impress me too. They might even agree with me, that this is how we learn to detect writing styles… and what makes stories (more) effective.

Storytelling trumps all. Without a story to tell…well… that pretty much sums up whether the story will work… or not.

And most of all… more important of all the writing hacks… is one tool that every writer needs to know. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS to telling a great story. None.

Writing takes time, and effort, and work. And I simply love writers…and readers… who know and respect the process. 😉

#WritingHacks #NoShortcuts #ILoveReading #ILoveMemoirs #JustBlogged


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