Why I Decided to Read Barbara Corcoran’s Memoir.

Popular as Barbara Corcoran is, along with how industriously I scour for personal stories (with teeth), it wasn’t until a month (or so) ago that ‘Shark Tales’ (published 2011) caught my attention.

The three teasers that prompted me to try this memoir began as I was scrolling Facebook’s Feed, waiting for a post to interrupt my scroll, when a ‘suggested ad’ featuring Barbara popped up. I stopped, mainly because the words ‘Book Club’ caught my eye. Since I’m usually digging for truly ‘mood enhancing’ books to read, I decided to poke more into this post.

That’s when 2) the book Barbara was holding caught my attention, and my instincts kicked in. The first thing that occurred to me was, “I bet that book is going to be good.”

Without 3) reading a blurb, an endorsement, a review, or even the synopsis, two little words entirely won me over. SHARK TALES!

I am a big sucker for personal tales, which truthfully, I hoped like ‘all get out’ my instincts turned out to be on point. (Other thoughts HERE).

Now, the real question is why I decided to post this post.

For starters, when I first started blogging (2009/2010), I posted anecdotes like this all the time. So long as the content related to literature or reading, and I thought it, I blogged it. Didn’t think twice about it. But now I’m more focused on the entertainment value of each post… because I really care about memoirs, and motivating readers to read them. For 11 years I’ve been all in for educating US… One Story At A Time.

#ILoveReading #ILoveMemoirs #JustReadaGreatMemoir #AdvocatingEducation #OneStoryAtATime #JustBlogged


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