The Joys of Taking On Reading Challenges

Digging for good books to read is something like opening presents stacked ceiling high. Now, just being honest for all those who’ve ever opened presents and...ahem...had this feeling, you may appreciate exactly what I’m about to describe; ...the excitement, and anticipation, wondering what's behind the wrapping. Is it something ‘worth a mint’, or is it the equivalent of ‘just a mint.’ And I know. It’s supposed to be the thought that counts. 

And still, this is how I feel when digging for books to read. What’s going to be behind that cover?! I’m mostly looking for unique, and deep, and some soul-stirring fierce storytelling. This is a part of the energy revved up in the reading challenges I take on. Like what’s the chance of getting closer to well-read without motivation to read one book with over 500 pages, or a historical novel written a hundred years ago, or a translated work…all intimidating challenges.

I try to keep it simple, given all the digging I do to find books I can read from page one straight through to the end… AND LOVE IT. Generally, particularly when I’ve read at least 25 books in a given year, as such what looks like will happen this year, I get really anxious selecting favorites. This is a challenge within a challenge, which some have asked, ‘why even bother to select a top 10’ if this is the case?

Welp, blame it on the phenomenal books I’ve been finding, one after the next. Right now I am outside myself with disbelief. True, I have had to put a few books aside (for perhaps later reading), but I’ve also been opening books and getting to the end thinking ‘there’s no way I’ll find another book that will top this one.’

Except, guess what!?! I just finished reading ‘The House at Sugar Beach’ by Helene Cooper. (Other thoughts here).

 #ILoveReading #ILoveMemoirs #JustReadaGreatMemoir #AdvocatingEducation #OneStoryAtATime #JustBlogged


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