Lyrical Lit: 'How You Like It?'

...Do you like it when the rhythm rhymes, or when the rhymes 'Lord Have Mercy' have rhythm? Must the prose play nice, using its inside voice toning down the obvious, muting the self-evident, erasing yesterday rewriting wrongs, past transgressions and embarrassing mistakes til' all is believed well, perfect and stocked appropriately of bootlicking nirvana?

...Or must the Lit make sense, fall into place, create a pattern, tell story, elicit a laugh...or two... while solving a problem, deepening insight, magnifying memory, emphasizing empathy, raising awareness and be done with it, putting a big fat period on the end of it!?!

A mix of both? Or none at all?

BTW, I just finished reading 'The Story of My Life' by Farah Ahmedi. So well done. (Thoughts here).

#ReadAnotherGreatMemoir #ILoveMemoirs #Storytelling #PoetryMonth #JustBlogged


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