10 Things That Seem Easy, but...

...some things just plain are easier said, than done. 

...Like Writing. Listen, there’ve been people who have spent hours writing one email containing less than 3 sentences, and still end up with a dozen mistakes. Try writing a book comprising of 50,000 plus words. 

Drawing. I still remember that guy sitting beside me in a conference, doodling. He drew a complete picture… faces, wardrobe, scenery and all, with nothing but a pencil, his mind and perhaps a significant amount of boredom.

Dancing. This actually happened. Once I watched an African dance (performed in a downtown DC theater)... that looked easy as doing the 'Running Man' or the 'Electric Slide'... until I tried to mimic what I saw. Look, I would've asked for an ambulance... had I been able to catch my breath!

Turns out Smiling is not as easy as it looks either. Gotta have nice things to smile about. 

Coming up with the right WINNING lottery numbers is another mirage. No need to annotate. Millions who have played and yet to hit that jackpot can attest.

Cooking a Tasty Meal. Okay, so I have eaten a lot of tasty food that I have cooked, but it’s no guarantee that every time I pull up on the stove this will be the outcome.
Following a diet. Ummm... well… the compilation of nutrimercials and exercising campaigns effectively elucidates how much aid is needed to monitor dietary habits. Hand raised!

Following directions. First of all, when clear communications, comprehension and patience are ALL prerequisites to understanding whatever instructions, “all you have to do…” takes on a whole knew diaphanous meaning. Again, hand raised!

Walking a Mile in the Shoes of Others. Alright, getting a foot in one shoe is doable, provided the difference between sympathy and empathy is fully understood. Now, stepping in that second shoe is the other piece to this delusion. Without a practical magician, a confidant genie, or gaining access to a time machine with the capabilities of something akin to a wormhole… you most likely won’t be walking nowhere in that second shoe.

And NOW, for the real reason this list was created. Welp, I have 11 more books to read by Dec 31st! This Challenge may sound easy… compared to actually visualizing 11 more stories holding my attention… from page one, straight through to the end. I imagine November adding 30 more days to its month… EASIER!!!

Just read 'The Unwanted' by Kien Nguyen (thoughts HERE).

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