Cheers to Fans, Followers and Being Different

I love fans. On the fence about followers. Fans usually contact/correct me...directly. One hipped me on 'passive writing'...telling me my writing was passive. This one I had to look up, and made all kinds of discoveries, plus helped hone my skills...even if I never warmed up to non-passive writing. Everyone (and I mean every single human on earth), is in the middle of his or her story. Now that harbinger (parens' aside) is a declarative statement.

Fans also have hipped me on to 'stream of conscious' writing. Funny. Had to look this one up too. And even funnier, I happen to be an aficionado of reading minds and between lines. It's a habit, which I worked on as well. In the same way I tire of reading detailed descriptions of things like the sky and grass, I definitely don't want frivolous thoughts bogging down my stories.

I've been lectured about using that one letter, one word I, as well. Interestingly enough, I tend to write (novels) in third person, not without mention the loads of memoirs *I* read😀. My blogs however, are straight up my opinions and observations. 

At any rate, when I think about followers, I think about four-leaf clovers. I remember way, way, way waaaaaay back when, crawling around looking for them. I couldn't believe how difficult they were to find. To this day I (myself) have never found one. Do they even exist!?! (😅).

So I'm on the fence about essences I have to read my own mind to sense. But I know. Like a four leaf clover, I'm different. But did you know? We are all four leaf clovers, though many can't see this. Going on repeat. Not only are my personal experiences quite diverse, I have read hundreds, maybe thousands of memoirs and have yet to come by the same story, encompassing identical values, practices, experiences, etcetera that fit neatly in a stereotypical box, twice. By the way, I just finished reading 'How Y'all Doing?' by Leslie Jordan. (thoughts here) .

Merry Christmas

#Storytelling #JustReadAHumorousMemoir #JustBlogged


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