Women I Really, Really Admire

This might be a little new. Something I don’t believe I’ve ever posted (quite like this) on my blog before.

For starters, my likely first and greatest female admirers were my grandmothers; both my father’s mother and my mother’s mother …and one of my great-grandmothers (paternal side). My father’s mother didn’t take no mess. My mother’s mother was one of the greatest hustler’s I've ever known. And my great-grandmother’s wisdom I have yet to find a match. All three were genuine, and most admirable, they did not follow the status quo. They’d read you the time of day. Stood up for themselves. Didn’t back down. And never heard one of them apologize.

Now this is not to say I don’t admire those who apologize, when they’ve done something worth apologizing for, because I certainly do. It’s just that I remember my grandmothers being the type women who saw no reason to apologize for who they were. Yup, I used to sit right up underneath them watching them actually sew clothes; from dresses and suits, to military attire. And I'm talking ties, hats, socks and clothes more durable and perfect than those sold in stores like Wanamaker's... or how about today's Saks or Neimens. I lived in their mouths, listening to everything they said. And this was during a time when children weren't allowed in 'grown folks' business. I think this may have been partly why they really took a special interest in me. They had many grand, but I probably was one of few, if not the only grand so enamored by them. Might as well slip in here too, so very few adults took the kind of interest in me as my grandmothers did... and true... the sentiment was mutual. 

Over the years I’ve admired many women from a similar standpoint as I did my grandmothers. From family and friends to bosses and the boss ladies who've shared their experiences in memoirs I’ve read...and loved... I've been blessed to encounter plenty! This month is for women who embrace their me without explanation or apology. Just finished reading ‘In Order to Live’ by Yeonmi Park. (Thoughts Here).

#WomensHistoryMonth #JustReadAGreatMemoir #JustBlogged


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