Hope, Joy, Yuletides & Tiz’ the Season
I don’t know why but on my mind was a guy who I heard invariably groaning, "I'm too old for this $hit."
Every time I heard this grouchy sentiment, I chuckled. If memory serves me correctly, this guy (now decades ago) was on one of them reporter news-like talk shows unleashing some of his (other) worldly wisdoms. Don’t recall the topic, but anyone who heard this moan would instantly get the impression that this guy had seen, been through, and heard a lot of B$.
Fast forward to current happenings, I walked up on my daughter making 'more' muffins. These muffins are absolutely delicious. No hits or misses. Every time she makes them they taste the same. Scrumptious! So, I asked what was in the recipe. Casually, almost too complacent she shared a few of the ingredients. Gluten-free this, farm-raised that… yes, I got tickled, all on account of that damn sage grouch lamenting in my ear.
Inserting a place-holder here, I shortly thereafter joined my hubby checking out First Take...you know (or for those who don't know)...the ESPN sports show with Stephen A, Shannon Sharpe and another young sports anchor doing what they normally do... talking sports on national TV. For this episode they were interviewing a young newcomer to the game. From a cursory observation the youngster being interviewed reminded me of many that came before him... in the sports field, and every other field for that matter. His confidence made me smile, of course (again) hearing in the background the sage old grouch that kicked this post off.
Shifting on to next, I hopped on the Internet and started scrolling diligently, passing the 'how to' – ‘buy my advice’ posts with the swiftness, so obviously in rhythm with the hum of the sage old grouch. Eventually my browsing was interrupted. An invite to a conference to hear two centurions talk about writing books 'in retirement' halted the scrolling. About to smirk again, the grouch suddenly disappeared. The grinchy old memory left my thoughts like a sniffle seeing half a cup of Robitussin headed its way.
Regardless of where we are in life, some of the most ‘priceless inexpensive gifts’ …valuable year-round is passing along our knowledge, our experiences, and an open display of our humility. All of these treasures can be found (not only) by reading Memoirs, but by entertaining our stories (however delivered), one of very few gifts that keeps on giving.
Just finished reading 'Solito' by Javier Zamora, 'Master of Me' by KeKe Palmer and 'My Mother was Nuts' by Penny Marshall. On a real humble note, with about a couple of weeks left until the New Year I just might make my (25 book) reading goal for 2024!
#JustFinishedReading3GreatMemoirs #InspirationisReal&Valuable #JustBlogged
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