One Reason to Support Banning Books!

Before the going gets started I better put this disclaimer up top. I sure hope banned books' week wasn't last week, because I sure did neglect to check.

Okay, so that out of the way... Let me be perfectly clear. I DO NOT SUPPORT BANNING BOOKS, however... there is one reason to hop on the occasion to share one miniscule reason that makes banning books tolerable.

The Attention. There. I said it.

Although I’ve never looked at a banned books’ list and grabbed a copy to see what was so bannable in the book, doesn’t mean others won’t be drawn to a banned book just to have a look around. I mean, like who amongst us can argue against how dark secrets, taboos, gossip, negativity, mysteries, headlines, bylines and ‘purportedly bad’ things containing the gannets that make front page news entices busy traveling minds. That’s the effect banning books can have on people.

In that neck strain I’ll turn my head the other way on those lorries promising to bring attention to subjects that draw people to reading. After all, this was how I became an avid reader. It is how me, and secret now out of the bag, many other avid readers too, got our AVID reading on. A great majority of us started reading by flashlights, in closets, sneaking books from adult readers, and in my case---libraries; books I'm pretty sure were not on any approved reading list. Trust me. The Boston Strangler was not required reading in grade school.  

Back when however, I very likely was on a secular reading track. I still remember librarians looking at me with one eye raised and the other lowered. The good thing was, no one ever stopped me from grabbing non-fiction books straight from the adult section, shelved among the grittiest call-numbers in the library.

Reading prohibited books made reading fascinating. Over time my tastes in literature matured. I graduated from reading hard non-fiction, to almost any book I could get my hands on. I emphasize almost, because I remain challenged to read juvenile, what today is YA, or stories rooted in puerility, or perhaps gullibility, or complacency??? …Or maybe what I’m trying to describe is watered down, sugarcoated frivolity.

If those are the books that gets the righteous bill of health, then reading advocates, celebrate… Celebrate... CELEBRATE banned books by talking up ALL books placed on any banned lists you come across. You can go on and pat yourself on the back for being a part of growing an *avid* literate society!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Kathryn, though I have to really give it to you...and well, ok...maybe somewhat me too for finding a writer as passionate about books and storytelling as you are. I Love your FB posts!

  2. I read anything I could grab when I was younger. And like you they weren't on my school reading list. I'm a YA fiction (fantasy and contemporary), mystery/thriller kind of girl. But I definitely did the whole flashlight reading on a book I knew my mom and aunt would have thrown away, if they knew what it was about, Unholy Orders - Tragedy at Mount Cashel(non-fiction). I still don't know how it got into my personal library pile.

    1. Every avid reader I've connected with has shared one of these stories. I had to laugh reading yours. And it is fine (not that you need me to say so) reading what you like. The whole point is to encourage reading...which on that note it is confirmed. Those darn dirty books are the damn culprits...LOL. Thanks for dropping in Lidy!


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