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Celebrating the Ancestors

Absolutely Not! I did NOT forget one of my favorite celebrations!!! Sliding this one in, almost a day late, thus right on time… here we go… Yep. I was the kid who hung on every word I heard ‘the ancestors’ speaking. Not everybody was so interested in them old stories and ways. But not me. Hearing about the old farms, and eating anything that moved, and the medicine man, and the house set afire and men run off lands…my people had my undivided attention. I think it was the way these tales were relayed that hooked me...almost no different than today. The jostling and joking, my great-grandmother's clipped diction and how she remembered stories, and the trolling mystery in how my dad retold stories his great-grandfather passed down to him... I couldn’t drink fast enough. I was so fascinated, maybe possessed might be a more accurate portrayal, that years before the mini-series ‘Roots’ aired I wrote a play about these intriguing ancestors and along with my sister, performed the skit for ...

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